23 | The Path in the Middle | Dr Harbhajan Singh

In this episode, Dr Harbhajan Singh explains the journey of the soul to its eternal home. He provides advice for the road to be travelled and warns of the pitfalls. With multiple references to the teaching of Christ, he shows that spirituality is not something new but an age-old science that just needs to be re-discovered.

“When the barriers are finished, there is the 10th gate.”

The lecture was recorded on 8th July 1990 in St. Gilgen, Austria.

Transcript of “The Path in the Middle”

All of us in the world have come with the heritage. We have brought (with us) everything we need in the world. This life is fully destined and we came into the world with a promise. And what is that promise? That this bread of life and water or life that is within this body, we will get by the grace of the Master. Everything is within, as Master told, the macrocosm is in the microcosm. So nothing is outside. For that purpose we have to know those very qualifications with which we can have that contact. The bread of life and water of life is the life of our life and it is in the holy body, not outside. Somebody can help you, but it is who? He who takes it – you, yourself. Somebody can help you in other worldly matters but not with this matter. This is your work and only you have to do it.

So what are those qualifications which we need to attain these higher values of life, the bread of life and water of life?

Alexander the Great, his Master was Khwaja Khizr. His Master knew that his intention was worst, it would bring havoc in the world. He wanted to enlighten him, but he would never listen to his Master. Anyhow, he took him forcibly above the body consciousness. And he took him where there was the water of life, but it was utter darkness there, and he could not drink it, so he came back.

So we have to follow the advice of those competent Masters who had a ruling passion in them. They created a ruling passion in others. They were competent to give this thing to others as well. What did they do? They only changed our angle of vision. They changed humanity from one direction to another direction. First we were going in this direction. They said: “No, go to that direction.” Then we followed that direction. If the thing is lying there and you start to search this (the other) direction – how will you get it? The thing is within the body and you search it outside – how is it possible? Somebody says that it is utter darkness within, they cannot get it. So they follow the other way, the outward way. The thing is within and we have also to get it within, not outside. And inside there is darkness on one side. The other side is full of illusions, deception, fear.

Without knowing the inner aspect of life, the inner man (we get nothing). We are not the outer man, we are the inner man. Outside we are identified, so we are called ’outer man’. We are identified into the body through the outgoing faculties of the mind. So our attention is moving outside, but we are the inner man. Our subject is within. You cannot learn to swim on dry sand, you have to go within. When the water of life, bread of life is within, you cannot get it from outside.

Now, we will discuss today about our right way, how we can get it. One way is very beautiful, that will transcend into the beyond. There we can get the water of life and bread of life by taking which our hunger and thirst is quenched forever. And the other way is full of deception and fear and illusion. And once you go there, you will be deluded once for all. And you lose your life there and then.

Competent Masters tell us, “If something is not available in the world, you can pay more and get it, no problem. But there is so much deception and illusion within that they will get everything from you, but they will not give you anything, not the least. You are deluded there. You will lose everything, but you will not get anything.” So it is a comparison. It is a comparative study of the right thing or the false thing, the truth and the falsehood. So far you do not discriminate between the two you can never have the ruling passion to meet God. And without ruling passion you cannot go within.

So this world where we live now – and we are identified with this world – does not belong to us. Even this body is not our body. This is a house given to us for a certain period. We may live in this body for a long, long time, but ultimately we have to leave it.

So everyone is proud of this body. It is good to keep it fit, but we cannot be proud of this body if we have not used it for the right purpose. Now the question arises that we are not the body, but we are the indweller of the body – but through the senses and outgoing faculties of the mind we are so much absorbed in the world that we cannot differentiate. We are too much stuck fast to the world that every time we either dream of the world or we dream of the body or of our attachments. What is that due to? It is something which everyone must know. We have come into the world due to the actions we did in the past life and with the reaction we came back here. With the action and reaction, a seed is created and our reservoir is full of seeds – of reactions, reactions of the past. These reactions are overbrimming in our soul, at the seat of the soul. So we are imprisoned in the body. Because there is no force in the world to get rid of this bondage.

All Masters say it. How can we get rid of it? Because every moment we are thinking, we are sleeping, but our thoughts are all the time going on within, and the mind does not stop at all. Ages upon ages it has no rest. Its purpose is to keep the soul in his grip. Our soul, who is the indweller of the skies, indweller of the heaven, is tied into the body. Now this world and this body is only a shadow. So far we live in the body, we see its shadow. When we disappear from it, it stands nowhere, the shadow also disappears. Here is the water. The shadow of the water is there inside. When the cup breaks, the shadow also disappears with the water.

So this world which we see is the creation of God, the expression of God. But without God this expression cannot exist in the world. So the expression is matter, but the Power that is working, that is the reality. And we do not discriminate, it is an illusion. Similarly, this body is a matter and the Power which drives this body is the reality. And when does one experience it? At the time of death, when one has forcibly to leave the body, he knows, “I was not the body, I had forgotten it, I was in an illusion, this body was only a dust”. So when the soul has to come out of this body, it is very dreadful. It is an awful situation in which one has to leave the body. And at that moment we see that this world we experienced also seems to us to be a shadow. When we leave the body, everything else we also leave.

So this world is a playfield and man is the central figure in it. And not only in this body. When we leave this body we assume the astral body and astral mind, and again the soul is there. When we withdraw from the astral body, then we assume the causal body and are in the causal world. But still we are imprisoned there. The difference is only, when we enter into the astral plane, the thing is one and the same. There also matter exists, but the difference is only that the same matter appears to be thousand times more beautiful, but matter is matter, dust is dust. So those people who tell you about their experiences – I tell you these are not the (real) experiences, these are miraculous things.

Whatever we get from the astral plane, the thing is the same, there is only one difference. What is the difference? (There) it is astral dust – (here) it is physical dust. Astral dust mixes into the physical dust and allows the dust to speak of the dust. It is a big illusion. Otherwise, whatever we experience at the level of senses, it is all dust. It is not beyond that.

This world was created by our Father, by God Himself. The negative power is only the controller. He is in charge to maintain this world and to take care of His children. He is not the sustainer. Sustainer is that power. So there is this force which is working there, it is called ‘maya’, matter. Maya in itself is nothing, but still it is something. Maya transcends (extends through) all the three worlds. In the three worlds, there is no bread of life and water of life. If you think that you go into the astral world and get the water of life, no, you cannot get it. It is a covering on our soul, an astral covering.

In the causal (world) you can also not get it. So this is a play, we are in the play. And everyone is affected with this maya. No one is free and safe. Master tells us how to detach from the world of attachment. In the world everywhere there is attachment. And attachment is due to this maya. It affects everybody. Whatever we experience through the outgoing faculties of the mind, this is all maya. Maya has devoured even the gods and goddesses, avataras, demons, supernatural powers. No one is free from that. In the three worlds everyone is under the commandment of the maya.

Our attachment with which we are busy day and night is also maya. Because this attachment is only due to our body. We created it. And our body is also maya. We have to leave it. Then how can we take all those things with us? So it is an illusion, it is a big ignorance. So far we do not discriminate ourselves, then how can we know God and the Overself? So maya is said to be a she-serpent. Those who do not discriminate the maya and do not come out of it, they are devoured by the maya, they are eaten up by the maya. Like the she-serpent – she gives birth to the offspring, little, little snakes and then entangles them and eats them up. Master tells us that she is fond of everyone, she is the wife of the whole creation. Everyone likes it.

The husband adopts her as his wife, and throughout his life he remains busy in serving the maya, in serving his wife. She sleeps with the husband, but when the husband dies, she runs away barefooted. She does not even look at him, because her purpose is solved. She does not look at you any more. And this is a big illusion in the world. This whole world is a shadow, only a shadow, shadow of the reality. Everything you see is only dust, a heap of dust, a little dust. Only our angle of vision is not changed, so we take everything as real. That is ignorance.

Masters also come into the world, they also bear the body, their function is different. They have discriminated. They have the awakening. They come for another purpose. Nobody can know them. Only with His grace one can know the Master. And who is the Master? He who raises you above the body consciousness and then gives you something. What do they do? They come into the world to make you hear and they help you to see. They do both things. Their function is very difficult for those people who are identified with the world. But when He gives that experience, the one who gets that experience then says, “He is a Saint” – only with the experience (he got inside) and not outside, outwardly.

So today’s subject, I think, will be very beautiful, because Master already started it with (a recorded talk on) spirituality according to St. John. And now we will deal with what is the reality and what is the falsehood in the world, what is a reality and what is maya – two things go side by side. You simply have to lay a track. Once you lay the track, then your train will go all the time on the same track.

Now, this man-body is a wonderful house we live in. It is a prototype of the whole creation. It is a playfield of negative and positive power. Astral, causal, super-causal (planes) and our home eternal, also our Father are in this body. So our purpose is unique. What is that purpose? We have to transcend above the body consciousness. All Masters tell us, “Learn to die so that you may begin to live.” That is what Christ told. You have to learn – what to learn? To attain the life. Those who do not die before death, they also cannot get the eternal birth. They cannot be reborn. They are to be reborn while in the body. They are to be reborn before death. When the pitcher breaks, how can you take the water? (When) the pitcher is broken, water has fallen, you cannot take it. (But) you have to take it. So Master tells us the way how to do that.

Master says: “When you transcend the body, there is only the midway.” The teaching of Christ is the midway method. Master only takes you in the midway. And on the left and right side there are the creations, astral and causal creations. And lots of, hundred thousand so-called masters have their easy way to enter into the astral (region). They will show you something there. The thing is the same, it is (just) more beautiful. When you see something more beautiful, you are attached there. And what is there in the astral? There is nothing but maya, maya in its very beautiful, attractive form. It is called miraculous powers. There the work goes on with thoughts, here we do it with hands. They control the man with thoughts – they control the soul with their thoughts.

So Master says: “This astral plane is open for everybody.” Because it is controlled by the negative power. There are the hells, there are the heavens. Who created the hell? Who created the heaven? Christ never told about the heaven, astral heaven. It is not our Father’s home. We have to transcend the astral, causal, super-causal (regions). And beyond that there is the tenth gate and we have to transcend above. There is the water of life and bread of life. From there the heaven starts. Where the astral heaven loses its sphere, there it starts.

You know, the astral region is full of miraculous things. (For) those who go there, miracles are scattered like flowers on the floor. You simply look at them, it will attract you. And you come back from there with miraculous powers and black magic. Spiritual healing is the outcome of these miraculous things – miracles. These are miracles. There is everything possible for the physical need in the three worlds. There are gifts after gifts for you, but take it for granted that the natural gifts are not free. Those who have to go back, they have to pay for it. You fulfil your wishes, you get healthy out of spiritual healing, but you have to pay much. What (does it mean) to pay much? You are caught there in their grip. They will not leave you. You have to live there all the time. You become prey there.

It is just like a lion taking the cow for grazing. The cow has to pay much for this purpose. The cow has to pay a high price with the lion. That is what happens with the black magic, spiritual healing, all this which is going on in the world now. People are very much interested in miracles. A miracle is only astral dust which you experience in the physical body. It is astral dust, not more than that. I told you that day, it is just like a firework. You see many beautiful things in the skies. But what is there? It is a moment you see it and after this it is dust and smoke. In the fireworks, there are only two things: dust and smoke.

So these are imaginary things and there is deception, fear and illusion. And with deception, fear and illusion you are caught there. And deception, fear and illusion have no legs of its own. It will stand on your legs and will make your legs very heavy. If you want to get rid of, you cannot get rid of it. Rishis and Munis, they went into the astral plane, they became the skeleton of bones, but they could not come out of the astral. Their teaching is with us. Read it. Have the parallel study of all those things.

You must know what you need. Why do we follow the teaching of any so-called master? There are a hundred thousand masters. Why not believe the teachings of Christ? Why don’t we believe the teachings of Kabir, Guru Nanak, all the competent Masters? And who is Christ? Christ lived before Jesus. Christ is the Power who has sustained the whole creation and that Power is sustaining us. We have direct and independent contact with that Power.

And now we have to know the very essence of that contact, which is that contact and how we can find it in the body. That is our purpose. That is the highest teaching, the higher values of life. That is with us – we were disconnected from it. It is our heritage. And our contact in the body is unbreakable and ever fresh. We can get it. It is no problem. Because He who has to give it is your Father and He is also in the body. He is staying in the heaven. Heaven is over here (at the seat of the soul).

It is a matter of attention. Your attention is moving in the world and you want to get Him also. How is it possible? It is just like a coarse cloth. You may put it into the colour for many days, it will never catch the colour. So we are to be dyed in His colour. Christ said: “I and my father are one.” We have to become one with Him, not two. So this teaching is very high. We have to leave everything.

You need the awakening. And awakening – the source of awakening arises from the soul itself. You have not to get it from outside. It is already there. How did the awakening come into the world? If you have a little child, then this child is dependent upon the parent, upon the mother. (When) the mother leaves the child, this child would create awakening in himself. He will try to stand by himself, without the help of the mother. He has the power to stand on his own legs. This awakening arose out of our loneliness, we thought about how we could get rid of it. This is the awakening.

When we came into this world, there was no hell and there was also no heaven – not that heaven where we have to go. But (about) this heaven which is taught everywhere in the world, (so-called) masters say: “Well, come, we show you the way back to heaven.” People rush to buy the heaven – what is there? People only buy dust from there. There was no hell, there was no astral heaven. Who created this hell and heaven? We people. When there was no sin, there was also no prison. After sin, prison came into being, just to keep the prisoners there. And for those who created good wishes, which were fulfilled by the gods and goddesses and they performed good deeds in the world, for them heaven was created.

The hell is controlled by the negative power and the heaven is controlled by gods and goddesses, this is the only difference. But where do both live? – (At the) same place, near to each other, in the same plane. Master says: “We have seen avataras, who are the controllers of the three worlds, rolling down from the heavens to hell.” It is the same like over here. You are given good virtues, if you spoil all those virtues and go, where do you go? – Where your attention goes. (If) you perform bad deeds, you will go to hell.

And in this astral heaven, they started to enjoy like over here. And the ultimate result was that those souls living there, had to roll down again into hell. So there is no escape in the astral region, nor in the causal regions.

Our salvation lies only in discrimination. What do we need? I tell you, I only gave you the very exact teaching of Christ. He who has seen this thing, he who has overcome, he who has risen above the body consciousness, he can give you something, he can tell you something. Otherwise, who can tell about these things? Nobody can tell. There is mention about God in the Holy Scriptures, but God is not in the Holy Scriptures, God is in the man-body.

The question arises, who is the Master? Never any competent Master, any commissioned one said himself that he is the doer. Doer is that Power, doer is the Christpower, Masterpower, Godpower. No one can be the doer in the world. Those who come into the world, they say they are the borrowed servants of that Power. They never do their (own) work. They have no work in the world. They are only commissioned to come – to work for that Power. They work for the Christpower, Masterpower, Godpower. Their work is the same as commissioned by that Power. Their only work is simply like a pipe. You know, water comes from the pipe and is delivered. What is the function of the pipe? Water is coming from above, its function is only to deliver it. Suppose the water does not come, then the pipe will remain dry. Is the pipe the doer? The pipe cannot be the doer. Doer is that Power which sends the water. He is the doer.

So the Master for the whole creation is one and the same. And that is in the body. Everyone has one and the same Master that is called the ‘Gurudev’ – the radiant form of the Master. All Masters said it – Guru Nanak, Kabir, all other Masters said it. The radiant form of the Master is our Master. He is the Master for the whole creation.

And there are hundred thousand masters, scattered everywhere in the world. Either they are here or in the astral plane. They speak too much of that Power. Because to remain in the world, to scatter in the world, you can go in a hundred thousand ways. But for rising above you have only one way to go up. And there is only One above who takes care of you and there is no second one. And you can also not stay if you don’t become one with Him. There is the philosophy: One is one, one plus one is one, it is never two. You merge into the radiant form of the Master, you are of the same (essence) as that of the Master. That is His function. That is called Gurudev, the radiant form of the Master. That is called the Christpower, Godpower, Masterpower within the body.

So the Masterpower in this body, His function is different. But to know that difference we have to know many things. We have to learn a lot of things before we get only a single touch. It is only a single touch, but for that single touch we have to know a lot of things.

In the body, we are the mind-ridden soul – the mind is riding over our soul. And what happens? We have a wish to see something. Mind is the king of the three worlds. It can transcend you anywhere you like. It is very easy for it to go to the astral region. The astral region is not far away. Where this world, its barrier ends, there the astral region starts already. And what is there? All those forces are moving (there) and they help to fulfil our wishes. For whom? Those who are the underdeveloped souls, those who become dependent upon these forces, they are helped by those forces. And they are caught in their clutch. Once you are caught in their clutch, you cannot attain the higher values of life.

Only with the grace of that Power, if you yearn for Him, then He will come to get you away from that power. Otherwise, you will be grinded there in the astral regions. Mind rides over the soul and says: “Yes, look here, it is right. Look here, he is the Master. Here is Guru Nanak, here is Christ, here is this power.” Negative power changes his (appearance), he can disguise as anybody. Have we seen Christ? No, he only makes the shape, image of this Christpower or Masterpower. He says: “Here is Christ.” We take him as Christ. He is not Christ. Christ is His teaching. The Word of Christ is Christ. To believe His word is to reach to the Christpower. We forget His word, we forget His commandment and we start the other way. How can we find Him? It is impossible.

And the mind will show you everything because it is controlling you. He says: “Good, see it.” Then he brings you anything, brings (takes) you all around, then he brings you back into the body. It is very easy. You can transcend into the three worlds and see each and everything with the help of the mind. But this mind will not stop, it will not follow the midway. Midway is that which takes you to heaven. And this midway transcends all the barriers – physical, astral and causal barriers. When all these barriers are finished, then this tenth gate is there, the seat of the soul.

And from there you transcend to the Father’s home, into the heaven. There is the water of life and bread of life. Now, Christ says: “Where the world philosophy ends, there the religion starts.” Does the World philosophy end by going into the astral region? Does the world philosophy end? No, it is the beginning. It is also a beginning. The astral region is (as it is) in this world, it is an astral world, it is also made of matter. It is an astral matter. There is again one above, one more world that is causal matter. Matter is matter. The only difference is in the density. So Christ says: “Where the world philosophy ends.” The world philosophy ends where the astral and causal regions finish. Then, above the causal regions you can see (what lies) below, you will see that this is only a shadow, you are rising above the shadows. You are seeing the shadow of reality, everything here. There you experience something which you cannot even imagine. But then you see the cause and effect. Unless you do not know the cause and effect of the astral and the causal regions, you cannot rise above the body consciousness.

To see something does not mean that you have risen above the body consciousness. It is not a meditation. To see some illusion and deception of this or that is not rising above the (body consciousness) – it is no Christ teaching. It is the facts of the negative power. These are binding factors, they will bind you in chains. There are astral chains, there are causal chains. How can you get rid of it? In the causal, you have to remain for a long, long period. But if ultimately you have again to come into the man-body, what is the use of staying there where the world philosophy ends?

And where does the world philosophy end? Master starts from the darkness. It is a midway. It is never to go through the astral and the causal creation lying left and right, at both sides. And the mind is there with us. It will at once divert your attention and take you to the astral and causal (regions) while transcending above. You cannot move (from) that place.

So naturally, what have you to do? You have to learn how to live in the world and how to live in the body as well. Two things are a must: To live in the body and live in the world and yet to remain above the body consciousness and remain also above the world. Two things are a must. Christ told: “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” Purity, purity of thought will only come, when you know how to rise above body consciousness. When you rise above the mountains, you can see everything what is going on in Salzburg. You see some smoke coming out of it. You see the whole city right from the mountains. When you go by aeroplane, all these big rivers will look like little streams and very big mountains will look like mounds. When you rise above the body consciousness, the same thing will appear. This world will look very narrow, like this. Now we are identified, then we will never think to identify. That is the difference.

You know that seat of the soul in the body is ever here. Transcending from all the chakras, from the lower extremities at the time of death, our soul reaches here at the root of the two eyes. From there it takes upward and then it takes inward trend. Here it takes the cross. So Christ says: “He is the real Christian who takes the cross daily.” We can take this cross daily, a lot of times in a day. It is the same experience which happens at the time of death. At the time of death we take the cross.

Our attention from the whole body is diffused from over here (the root of the eyes), goes back here and we leave this body. So this is to die before death. It is the same experience which happens at the time of death. Means, you have to transcend above the body consciousness. So how to rise above the body consciousness? At the time of death your intellect does not work. Your eyes stop to see, the ears do not hear, the senses are withdrawn, the consciousness is withdrawn and is taken at the seat of the soul. Mind does not know it; the mind is lying below.

So far our mind, intellect and all the senses do not stand still, how can we rise above the body consciousness? So Master tells us in a very beautiful way how to rise above the body consciousness. Christ said: “If you shut the ten doors of this temple, you can see the heavenly light within.” This is what all Masters said. These are the five senses, these are opening outside, these are the five windows. They gather outward expressions. This is called the outward expression of the soul. Eyes, ears, nose, mouth and touch below, these are the five senses, five windows which are opening outside. When you close them from outside, they also open inside.

When you think about a very important matter and you have forgotten the outside, your eyes, and ears are open, (but) you do not hear, you do not see. Because your attention is not with the outer windows. These are only windows. And in this body, without the soul, without the help of the Masterpower, it is all darkness. If your attention is working, then it brings the light, it is only an instrument. When this attention is not working, this whole world is also darkness for you. When they open outside, it is darkness within. The light is only due to the soul. In the soul, there is light and there is sound, both things are there.

Now, when you invert inside, there are again five windows that open inside. So five and five are the ten doors, ten doors of this holy body. Master helps you to shut all the ten doors and then you are withdrawn from the intellect, senses and the mind. And where will you reach?

You reach at the tenth gate in the body where there is the third eye. You reach at the site of the third eye. “If thine eye be single…” now everything has become single, one-pointedness over here. (In) a very little place you are able to make a touch. In this very little place, you have now come over here, have left all the body below and you have come (above), and here – “when thine eye becomes single, thy whole body becomes full of light” – here it starts. It starts from the darkness. Because when you stay at the tenth gate, when this tenth gate is open, then there you enter into the beyond. “Knock the door and it shall be opened unto you”. Here is the door. You have to knock the door. When you reach there, Masterpower is there, which will help and open the door and you are welcome there in heaven and you can take the bread of life and water of life. Not before.

Now, there are hundred thousand so-called masters. My concern is only with the higher values of life, with the highest teaching. There is no ism, there is no sect. All religions, all countries belong to Him. He is the Father. He is staying above. He has one child that may live in a palace, another may be in a  hut. He loves all. So these countries are the different chambers of the house of the Lord. All mankind is one. He does not come to create any ism or sect. He comes for all human beings, all belong to him.

Those who create their own ism and sect create barriers. What will they think about others? Of what use can they be to others who do not follow that way? The way is very liberal, is universal, it is our direct and independent touch. Whom do you need? Who has this direct contact. And when such one comes, He loves all human beings, He loves all religions. To be Christian, to be Hindu, to be Sikh, to be Mohammedan – it is one and the same. It is just to be a human being. To come near to the goal, that is the purpose, to realise the Fatherhood (of God), that is the purpose.

You know, when the sun rises, all dewdrops disappear at once. You can see everything in its original condition. You respect the outer rituals and rites, no problem, but you have simply to overcome the shackles. Remain in your religion, but be a true Christian. Only follow the teaching of the Christ. Only believe what is written in the Holy Scripture. And then demand the same experience from others. I have told you, here is your seat of the soul. You shut your eyes, here is the darkness. Ask somebody, “Please, take me above the darkness. I don’t want to come down.”

The astral world is a matter. The astral world is only a matter. You throw a little piece of earth into the air, that will come down, because the source is earth. Light the candle, make it up-and-down, its flame will go up, because the source of the flame, that of the fire is above. In the body, everyone is here (at the seat of the soul). From here we are descending down to function in the body. At the time of death we come over here. If somebody transcends you from here above, then, yes, it is according to the teaching of the Christ. And He will only take you through the darkness. When He transcends you, brings you into heaven, the heaven is full of light. He gave you the Word. “The Word was made flesh and dwelled amongst us”. The radiant form of the Master, it is the Word. The Word-personified form is the Word-made-flesh power. In the flesh, He lives as Word. So those who are realised they say, they are not two, they are one. They take their body as Word-personified form.

Master tells us: “You are too short-lived in the world.” For a little span we are living here. These twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty years is a very little time, I tell you. Much has passed, a little is left behind. Master says: “Your house is very strong where you have to live forever. Pick up everything from here and settle there.” If you leave something here, your attention will remain here, you cannot settle there. Master says: “You can carry everything there. You should not lose anything in this world.”

You know then what to do: you live for the Master, you live now right for this Power that is within you. Live in the world with discrimination. Master says: “Take everything there and dwell there. That is your purpose.” So this is a house. Outside we say: “Yes, it is a house.” But when you enter the house then you see many beautiful things. These all belong to you. When you enter the house then your work will start only from that place. Not that you have come over here and your work is finished. This is a lesson to drag you on your path. When you enter the house then you must know how to live in the house also. You have to – there are beautiful ways to live in this house (the body).

Now we have not learned to live in this house with single attention. Our attention is moving outside the house. We do not even know how to live in this house, how to keep this house clean. This is a cloth, the body is just like a cloth. It is arranged in a very beautiful way. Ligament, bones, muscles, all got together and the sheet is spread over it. And this sheet is getting old, day and night. Every minute, every second that takes near to death. We are shortening our life and we have no affidavit when to go. Nobody knows when he has to go. And it is not only getting old, it is getting ugly, it is getting spotted. So many spots are therein. Spots of lust or attachment, ego, greed, all are the spots on the soul. So when we enter the house then we have to make this house clean, neat and tidy, because in this house we have not to live, this house we have to leave – to leave for all the time. We make a house (in the world) where we have to live a very short time – how beautifully we arrange everything there, decorate it, clean it every day. But we are ignorant about the right house where we have to live all the time. So you must know how to tap inside.

That is what Christ told: “Tap inside.” You simply tap inside and you see the beauty yourself. It is a wonderful house we live in. The glory lies only (in seeing) with your own eyes. Then you will be proud of it. Then you will be detached from the world. You will only learn to detach from the world when you tap inside the house. Then you will think: “Yes, this is my house where I have to live. All other things I have to leave.” So then you need many things to do there. You have to start with a new life, very fresh life there inside. There is a charm, there is a radiation, there is a beauty in it. There is intoxication. Then you are not dependent, you are very independent there in your house. Because there is nobody to interfere.

Once you tap inside, who will interfere there? Nobody will interfere there. Either you or your Father and you also live as one, not two. This is the house of the Christ, I tell you. This does not belong to the magician, I tell you. We are playing with the magician. All people who steal your attention are the magicians who play with you. After all, people love you on what ground? Only due to the goodness in you. Once this goodness is spoiled, people will not even look at you. So you want to live with the Christ teaching? Now take work from your discrimination, what is good for you, what is bad for you. Master used to tell: “If bad persons do not leave their bad habit, then why should good persons leave their good habit?”

Live with good thoughts. Thoughts are very potent, very strong. They will drag into action and action into deeds. Make a line. When you come to a competent Master, He will draw a line: “Okay, you want to follow the highest teaching, then here is the line. Don’t exceed the line.” Remain in lines. The teaching of the Christpower is to keep us within the line, not beyond, to live within the necessities, not beyond that. To live beyond necessity is also a sin. Either on the level of senses or on the level of all worldly things, it is all sin. Master says: “Now leave this fruit to others, you only live on leaves.” Because otherwise you have to pay much. Before we go from this world and leave this body, we have to give each and every drop of blood back to this world, I tell you. This is the teaching of the Christ.

If the teaching of the Christ was so easy, then he would never have been crucified. He could tell you something in the astral plane, then all people could start behind him. He only came to guide and help you. And for guidance and help he sacrificed his life. Since he has sacrificed his life, what more do you expect from him? Do you expect anything from him? He has sacrificed his life for the true living, for the truth. He told you to follow him. And are we following him? No, not the least. We are very proud of Christ. Have we ever thought that he is also proud of us? No, never. Because we are not the worthy children of him. We are not living under his commandment. Here you are, Christ said: “Where more than two sit in my name there I am.” Here you are, you have forgotten the world. Now this food is given directly to you. You may try to forget, you will not forget. It is a true teaching. It is a teaching which goes directly into the soul.

So this much food is given to you. Make the best use of this food and it is so much little. But you have to learn a lot. This body is a true Bible. You have to read the whole Bible. This Bible outside has been changed many times, but this Bible inside can never be changed. You have to follow the same rules and regulations that were first inherited in us. We cannot get rid of it. There is no other way.

And lastly, what Master does? He gives you the life. He tells you how to live in this body. He gives you the first-hand experience. In the body, you cannot remember Him anywhere. This is a whole illusion. Where do you sit? Can you remember (Him) with the tongue? No, this is made of flesh. Do you remember Hm with your mind? No, mind is the enemy of the saints. Mind is maya. Maya is the darling of the three worlds, but enemy of the saints. Will you remember Him with the intellect? No, you cannot do it. It has cooperated with the mind. It is also a matter.

Master makes you remember Him with thoughtless thought. That is His experience. When you are sitting here (and) your attention goes to your home, or you remember somebody – without the help of the tongue, without the help of any senses you are remembering him. It is the thoughtless thought. The waves of the thoughtless thought are very potent. That can transcend you in a second to faraway places. Master makes your thought thoughtless. And then He helps you to live in this way of life. Then at the time of death, He comes and receives you. He has not to come from outside, He is there.

This is what Christ said: “I shall never leave thee nor forsake thee till the end of the world.” So once He has got hold of your hand He will never leave you. His hand is very strong, it is made of steel. No power on earth or in any place, in any region can snatch the child from Him. So there are lessons after lessons. We have to know about the competency of our Master, competency of the Christpower. We are doubtful about His competency, this is why we are dependent upon other forces. We say: “No, he is the master.” Others say: “No, he is the master.” Others say: “He is the master.” And there are a hundred thousand people who are following hundred thousand masters. Whereas in the Holy Scriptures it is said: “There is one, maybe not one in millions, maybe one in a billion, maybe in the whole world there is one.” And what is His job? Exactly what we need. That is His job.

So thank you all. It is enough.