26 | A life in love of God| Dr Harbhajan Singh

If one realizes how the soul is connected to the Godpower within, the angle of vision changes. Then one lives in a spirit of detachment and will focus on returning to the home eternal. Despite love being a subject beyond words, there are some examples of worldly lovers who can inspire us to reach out for a life in love for God.

The lecture was held on 15th October 1989 in St. Gilgen, Austria.

Transcript of “A life in love of God

Kabir says that there are two birds, Chakwa and Chakwi. They are those birds which usually live along the banks of the river. They have very much love with each other. At night they separate, it is but natural. And the whole night, in the darkness, they search for one another. One flies from this direction to this direction and the other goes from this direction to the other direction. They spend the whole night like this. The whole night they are separate from each other. But when the sun rises, they both meet each other. There is hope for them when the sun rises.

Master tells us that a man who meets Him neither at day-time nor at night-time, what will be the future of that person? What will he do when he leaves the body? With whom will he go along? How to travel his journey? He has to travel a very, very long journey. This world is only a straw in the ocean. Our journey is very long and it is full of darkness. We do not know where to go. Some people experience those things even before initiation. They just go above the body and then they do not see anything. They want to go somewhere, but they do not know everything – even they cannot see their footsteps. That is what happens.

So Master-word is light, a lamp unto your holy feet. You are welcome in the heaven. You are a holy one – you are of the same essence as that of God. If you are of the same essence, your body is of the same essence as (the things) we are having in the world: It is a worldly thing. But you are not the body, you are the in-dweller of the body.

Those who have got this love from the Master, what do they say? – “O Master, to have (lost) that love with You was forgetfulness. I loved You. Is it my forgetfulness? If it is so, You can give me punishment.” And he suggests the punishment: “If there is really a punishment, then at least keep me under the dust of Your feet, even then I want to remain with You.” He says: “Even if You don’t determine it, even if You are not happy with me in this direction, at least you can mix me with the dust and keep it with You.”

Such is the thing (with someone) who is in constant love with the Masterpower. There is something – a very (tightly) connected link. It is just a link between the soul and the Word, that is like the master and the servant. You know, what is the love of the master and the servant? If the servant is not there, who will tell about the master? The love between the servant and the master is very emotional. So similarly, this love – outward examples do not fit with the meter – it is something else which we cannot explain in words.

Even trusting these words will bring vibration in your body. It is a direct food to your soul. Everything else will fade away. But these are the words, spoken by a competent Master, that will help you when you leave the body. What will it help you? It will save you. Those who are saved at the time of death have even a hope. What hope? They can again come into the man-body and then they have a good background to come back to a Masterpower who can again give the first-hand experience to live with Him.

So there are many, many ways. The teaching of the Master does not mean to initiate someone and make a group in the world, (and) just create an ism or sect or religion. His purpose is to bring vibration. It is to bring understanding everywhere so that through you at least all people can understand also. You understand something, you can bring a revolution to all those who are connected with you. The teaching of the Master can go like a wildfire in the forest. Who can extinguish it? Nobody can do that.

Man experiences a lot of problems in the world and also finds a lot of solutions to solve those problems. And how does he spend his whole life? – Amidst these problems. And he is not free at all. Even at the time of death he is forced to withdraw his attention, but his attention even then is not drawn from those problems. Even after this separation from the body he still is encircled by those problems. And these problems do not leave him, neither in the physical body nor in the astral body nor in the causal body. So how distressing it is! – Very difficult.

A lover of God only knows one problem. His problem is how to justify his Master, how to justify his beloved. That much he knows, and how he wants to be true to himself. If he is able to justify his beloved, he can justify whole the world. Whole the world can follow him. Everyone will say: “He is the true one, he is the right one.” All people will follow. Love and everything shall be added unto you. That is what Christ also told. Let all these things, let all those problems of the world follow you to seek refuge in you. It is a very big factor people have forgotten. A lover tells us that throughout his life he experienced two difficulties, only two difficulties: One before your coming and the second after your departure. And no other problem he had in his life.

What a beautiful life it is! – When you have nothing to do in the world, all your problems are solved and you have no attachment with any problem. Love and everything shall be added unto you. Whatever you need, your beloved is supplying to you. He is doing each and everything for you. What more do you need? You are blessed with everything. You say: “Yes, I have no attachment. I am ready to go.” You will be very happy to leave the body, because you have to go with whom? – With Him who is the indweller of the heaven, who is the controller of your house there, who has kept it neat and clean for your arrival. That is His love. He is waiting for his child, for his return, for his safe return. In Guru Granth Sahib it is said: “Oh my child, I have kept each and everything for you. Come back to your house, your house is very strong. And come back – no problem (will be) with you. You will be very easy there. You do not have to worry about anything. Everything is at your disposal.” It is difficult to express His blessing, this grace.

Bhai Nand Lal – a very devoted disciple of the Master, Guru Gobind Singh – he tells his experience about that love which is innate in the soul. There was a yearning and longing to see as how he is seen and how he is acquired. Lastly, he came to the feet of Guru Gobind Singh. He tells about his first-hand experience. He says that when he visited Guru Gobind Singh, Guru Gobind Singh was sitting carefree, very carefree, as if nothing is there. His contact was alone with the Master and himself. He was enjoying the bliss of the Godpower within. Then at once he went there. The attention of the Master went to Bhai Nand Lal. Bhai Nand Lal says that he looked into the eyes of Guru Gobind Singh. (And) he says that when Guru Gobind Singh looked back into his eyes, the attention of the Master passed through his eyes and went deep into his heart and settled there – (in the) heart over here. It settled there (at the seat of the soul). And this did not leave him. It settled once for all. So what was he given? He was given the bread of life and the water of life. He said that from that very moment, he had no desire, not for here and not for there. All his desires were finished. He said that one glimpse from the eyes of the Master is now sufficient for him, not only for here but also for hereafter; he does not need anything (more), he is already in the lap of his Father and will remain in the lap of his Father. There is no whirlpool, there are no traps. There are no pangs of separation, there are no pangs of death. Every way is clear. Wherever he is seeing, he is seeing the appearance of his Master. Or whatever he is experiencing, that concerns the Master and nothing else.

What a beautiful life it is! Everyone likes that life.