About us

Knowledge of unity is as old as humanity itself. Each one of us has that knowledge within and each one of us can experience it regardless of one’s faith or religion. Unity of Man is not a new faith, a new religion or a church, rather it was initiated by Sant Kirpal Singh (1894-1974) as a worldwide movement for unity. He stated that “People with right understanding are scattered all over the world, they will all come together.” He asked all those who believe in the ideal of unity to give it strength by example in their own lives which in turn resonates with every human heart.

Unity of Man associations have been established in different countries and comply with local legal requirements. Unity of Man is free to all, no membership fee, its funded by voluntary donations and everyone is welcome to participate in its activities.

Be good – do good – be one, words that reflect the essence of Sant Kirpal Singh’s mission, became the motto by which the Unity of Man movement abides.  Anyone moved by its ideals, practising them and living up to them, is contributing to the change in consciousness so needed today.

“The archers may be many, but the target is the same.” (Rajab)

All religions aim at the same target, like so many archers. If we are really sincere in our profession of love for God, we must have love for God’s creation, because the Creator and His creation are identical. We cannot love the one and hate the other. All the saints and sages work on this principle and love humanity as such, no matter whether one believes in God or does not, for they draw no distinction between theists and atheists or agnostics. They believe in the one great family of God and all are dear to them, in spite of seeming differences in non-essentials of life.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Kirpal Singh: Unity of Man