Discursos y libros de Sant Kirpal Singh y el Dr. Harbhajan Singh
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El discurso de bienvenida de Sant Kirpal Singh, un llamamiento para el cambio espiritual en el mundo
El Dr. Harbhajan Singh sobre cómo traer la unidad y la paz al mundo
LLamamiento de Sant Kirpal Singh a los líderes religiosos en la Conferencia del World Fellowship of Religions, Delhi febrero 1965
Speech by Sant Kirpal Singh at the UNESCO General Assembly, Delhi, Dec. 1956
Discurso de Sant Kirpal Singh, 11 de octubre de 1963, Franklin
Una breve introducción a la espiritualidad
Del libro “The crown of life” (La corona de la vida) por Sant Kirpal Singh
Talk by Sant Kirpal Singh at Fountain Street Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Oct. 29th, 1963.
Common ethical principles in all religions
PDFs for free download
How can the mystery of death be solved? What happens to the soul after death?
An exhaustive study on the forms, aspects and techniques of prayer drawing upon various religious scriptures.
A detailed explanation of karma theory and how to find freedom from the endless cycle of transmigration.
A unique biography, tracing the development of one of the most outstanding Saints of modern times. An encouraging must-read for anyone seeking God.
A pioneering, comprehensive, comparative study of yoga methods including a detailed explanation of Surat Shabd Yoga, the path of the Masters.
Transcribed from recordings, this insightful collection offers practical guidance on how to develop ennobling virtues in the spontenteous, informal words of Sant Kirpal Singh during talks with his followers. These cover a variety of topics revolving around developing purity of heart and mind to reunite the soul with the Oversoul.
A beautiful insight into the private correspondence between Sant Kirpal Singh and his disciples as well as various messages he wrote to them on special occasions.
Talks by Sant Kirpal Singh and Dr. Harbhajan Singh, new episode monthly
A video series on the commonalities found in different religions
Website featuring books and lectures by Sant Kirpal Singh in different languages
Podcast episode 23 | The Path in the Middle | Dr Harbhajan Singh
Podcast episode 22 | Whom should we love | Sant Kirpal Singh
Podcast episode 21 | Death – a part of life | Dr. Harbhajan Singh