Positive and negative power

These are two powers made by God: One of creation, the other receding back. Like electricity: somewhere it burns like fire, and somewhere, it congeals water into ice.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Television Interview with Sant Kirpal Singh, Mexiko-City, Dec.11th, 1972:

Question: […] we would like to ask you if you are in accordance with the opinion of Pope Paul . . .

Sant Kirpal Singh: What is his opinion?

Question: . . . that the devil is the cause of all the ills and badness in the world?

Sant Kirpal Singh: The truth remains that God made the universe. He (God) has two sides: one, going into expression – the other receding back. So the word «Brahm» is used there (in India) for «to go into expression». This (Brahm) is the cause of all expression of the universe. And the other power is called «Positive». This Brahm is called «Negative». The other power is positive which brings back souls to God. This is not the end-all. So the power going into expression is called by some as like fire . . . and somewhere it congeals water into ice.

The power of God is the same (power), but it has two expressions: one, going into expression, the other, receding back. Had there been no power going into expression, called «Brahm» (or Satan), there would have been no world whatsoever.

That Brahm has got a law: «As you sow, so shall you reap.» So that Brahm power is very just. The incarnations («Avatars») of that Brahm power, when they come into the world, their job is to punish the wicked, uphold the righteous and set the world agoing.
Generally this matter is only hinted «Satan» or «Devil»; that power is called amongst the Rishis as «Brahm».

These are two powers made by God: One of creation, the other receding back. Like electricity: somewhere it burns like fire . . . and somewhere it congeals water into ice. The power of God is the same (power), but it has two expressions: one, going into expression, the other, receding back. Had there been no power going into expression, called «Brahm» (or Satan), there would have been no world whatsoever.
